Blog Archive

All of the blog posts, neatly arrange by year and category… neat

Archive of: January, 2021

Xbox Series S - Autistic & ADHD Perspective


Some thoughts and perspective on the Xbox Series S and how gaming fits into my life during the pandemic.

Creating spaces - mancave


How and why we redesign the storage space to build a somewhere to escape to.

Thoughts on Lockdown 3.0


Some thoughts on the third UK national lockdown.

My 2021 theme: Year of taking part


This post is a quick exploration of the theme and why I choose it. Plus a few early ideas for how it may manifest.


Spaced Out & Smiling is about exploring the fun side of Autism, and trying to understand what it means to be Autistically Happy.

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Get In Touch

Jamie: @JamieKnight
Lion: @Lickr