All of the blog posts, neatly arrange by year and category… neat
I had a lovely day today. Reflections on why and how I can make it happen more often.
A little exploration of how I approach living in many different places.
A new useful gadget!
A post about why I have started wearing a uniform again.
I screwed up. Here’s how and why.
We’re changing some things with my support and living setup. Here is an outline of what we’re changing and why.
One of the things i find most challenging is long periods home alone. The pressure too keep safe isn’t high, but it is constant and consumes lots of energy.
To try and make my home a little less complex, we have been trying three different experiments. We have been simplfying my home, compartmentalising risks, and adding passive support.
Exploring weight management using routine friendly methods.
How I have changed the way I think about my energy in order to improve my life.
In late November we went to Centre Parcs for a small holiday. It was really fun. As normal the bit i enjoyed most was the cycling. I always get a Trike and take great pleasure in playing postman!
When i got home i was thinking about cycling a lot. I enjoy cycling and own two bikes, but it has been rare for me to ride. I cover at most a few hundred miles per year. Its more than nothing, but not anywhere near enough to make any impact on my health.
Inspried by Centre Parks i started thinking about what i could do to making cycling around near home more sustainable. The bike experiment was born