Gosh damn 2020 has been a weird year. We’re coped during the lockdown, but it wasn’t very productive or sustainable.
However, the lockdown has mostly eased and a new routine is starting to bed in. This is a little post about the latest incarnation of my routine, plus some thoughts on how we’re planning my return to work in the coming weeks.
My routine has settled into something which is pretty-okay. There are still issues, but we have found a good point.
Essenitally i have 2 overlapping routines. For 5-6 days a week i have my basic routine. On these days, i have an hour of support at lunch time, and 2 hours in the evening at 7pm. I run an offset timezone to help make this all a little easier, start my day 3 hours behind London to minimise the number of waking hours home alone. Most days i spend around 6 hours home aloine. I use that time to visit the cafe or the cupboard to get work done.
For the other 1-2 days i have a block of support time. We use this for all the big once a week things. A big flat tidy, laundry reset, going for a shop and often getting some exercise with a bike ride.
This routine works well. It can be a big struggle on the days i am home alone (Sometimes they expand up too 14 hours home alone!) but i am generally productive. Getting things done and using the ADHD meds to support me when i need help to focus on a specific task.
For the last 5 weeks i have been away from my normal day job at the BBC. The plan is to return slowly over the next few weeks. At first picking up small tasks to complete on the days when i am visiting the cafe or the cupboard. We may then mix in a few access to work days where it makes sense to do so.
I am mostly positive. It’s tricky doing the long days home alone, but they are just about doable for now. Especially as i can visit the various Cafe’s in town so i can escape the pressure of being home alone. I am looking forward to returning to work. It’s nice to feel useful and when i can balence work and home demands well it feels amazing.