It’s been a busy few days. Traveling up to Salford from london for work meetings.
Here are some notes.
I am traveling with a friend who is helping me as I’m finding travel really hard at the moment.
Traveling with someone I know really well is very very helpful. He knows all of the quirks of how I think and act and that’s very useful.
On the train we got a table and drinks. I’m feeling a little bolder / finding more things hard at the moment so I went with my sippy cup for drinks on the train and that helped a ton. No one seemed to care either. My friend pushed me a little (I was at first not going to drink on the train due to worries about spilling drinks on lion) and I am glad he did. 2+ hours without drinking was a daft idea. We just poured the drink into my sippy cup and got on with it.
I have brought 3 different sensory related things with me.
my sensory vest. It inflates to apply a pressure. A bit like a hug but more awesome! I have been wearing this while traveling and around work. It’s great (look out for full review soon!)
fidget - fidgit was (sadly he’s just got broken!) a small bright green wiggly sensory toy! He’s good to have in my hands when traveling or generally to keep my hands busy and my brain focused.
Another thing we have done is to move the furniture in the hotel room so my bed is against a wall. My friends referred to is as more a nest than a bed.
The last few days have been very hard with my speech. Not only in not being able to verbally express anything but also in my understanding.
I have always tended to take things literally. However at the moment it is really bad. Taking things literally is heavily interfering with my work and that is getting intensely frustrating.
I am often finding myself misunderstanding things which are plausible.
However sometimes they are kinda funny. On the train my friend lent over the table and said ‘I’m going for a wee’ to which I replied with alarm.
He meant he was about to leave to go to the toilet. However from what he said, I thought he had told me he was weeing in the seat.
I am not finding the very literal understanding of stuff as bad at home so I assume it’s just something the travel is making worse.
I have emailed my team some suggested strategies to help.
I’m excited about next week and the new babysitter starting. We’re planning stuff now and it looks very promising.
It’s been a tough week. In 48 hours time I start week 4 (!).